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Fernandez Dental
5 out of 5
based on 6 user reviews.

By Anonymous
“Dr. Fernandez is a warm and friendly person. Her manner immediately puts you at ease. On top of the great personality, she is an excellent dentist. Our family has been in this dental practice for 25 years.”By Melissa B.
“I was pleasantly surprised to have a new hygienist; she was thorough yet efficient with her time, as well as friendly. This was also my first time meeting Dr. Fernandez, who I also found to be extremely friendly and personable.”By Comer L.
“It was a pleasure to begin working with Dr. Fernandez. She and her staff were pleasant, punctual, and very competent throughout my examination. I have recently moved to Skagit County from the Lake Stevens area where I had worked with the same dentist for over 20 years.”By John Y.
“It is seldom fun to have my teeth worked on, but I'd much rather have a good dentist on my side than try to go without. Dr. Holden was good and now it appears to me that Dr. Fernandez is also good. I’ve recently had a crown prepped and seated by Dr. Fernandez and am very pleased with her manner and skills. Kudos to the entire office of valuable people.”By Berit K.
“I always enjoy my visits to Dr. Holden's clinic. Wonderful and professional staff. It was great to meet Dr. Fernandez. I know we are in good hands with her.”By Mark W.
“As always, excellent. One trademark of a good business is the ability to keep staff and most of Clarence's staff have been in his employ for more than 20 years—some 30. The staff displays a great team attitude.”